Wow, What a Screen Saver!
by: James A. Warholic, Professional Web Services
I feel like I am in control central. Here I sit with my large screen iMac in the middle of my desk with two other monitors, one on the right and one on the left.
While working on the other PC, I was just finishing up a project when this beautiful hidden island and beach setting floated onto the iMac screen. The Apple has built in screen savers that are simply beautiful. The way they handle the graphics just captures the beauty of the pictures in such away to create the sense that a person is there.
I am sure there are other screen savers to download but what they give you is sufficient enough for me.
As I dive in more to the OS X software I am discovering new things everyday. I have been trying out different browsers with the iMac. Apple supplies a browser called Safari. Safari is very similar to the Mozilla’s Firefox browser. They have the abilities to have tabbed browsing. Tabbed browsing provides a means to open multiple tabs with-in the same window. This makes it easy to go back and forth between many websites when comparing or shopping online. Just installed another browser, Camino for the Apple OS X system.
Another day tomorrow. I need to go back and dream a little more.
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