Our website is designed as a resource for both our customers and marketing people alike. There is a wealth of information to browse about all aspects of sales, marketing, advertising, and branding online. While, individual websites may have more information on specific issues, our website covers a broad array of subject matter from: Internet marketing, online advertising, business targeting B2B, B2C, and C2C, legal, ethical, regulatory issues, privacy, law, copyright law, trademark & other intellectual property information, Web 2.0 technology, and more.
Quite frankly, when our website project was first started, and started our research, we found a lot of the information quite lacking in other websites. There are thousands of marketing sites online, giving you a teaser to begin with, and then they want you to buy something, with out giving anything of substance back.
Yes, it is a fact that there are some very good sites that have a small front page, with hardly any information presented on it, and are generating much traffic and many return visits on a regular basis. Some of those visits are driven by search engine traffic, while others are generated via a daily, weekly, or monthly email marketing newsletter driving readership to the home page, and there are others with niche markets with a loyal readership that keeps coming back. Other businesses bring in visitors to their home page on a regular bases by banner and pay-per-click advertisements, or from online affiliates. Professional Web Services home page and website has a significant amount of information that we think is helpful for the reader. Maybe in the future when we have more brand recognition we will size it down a bit; however, in the meantime there is much to be said about all aspects of the online world as it pertains to business, and to fit the information into a small front page or small website would be quite difficult to do.
We firmly believe that people who are interested in quality information will read our website. There was much online research involved with all the information being presented on our site, including years worth of Internet marketing, online advertising, SEO, and branding experience.
For a real life example, take a close look at yours own online experience. I bet you spend the time with the information that interests you. Maybe your bag is not marketing, online advertising, SEO, or branding; then this site is not for you. But, if it is in-depth analysis of what is going on online then you have come to the experts. You are not going to get it sugar coated. What we will do is tell it like it is, and do it with style!
I guarantee that there will be something new everyday to explore, read, and learn; if you sit back, grab a cold drink, then open up the web book today.
For help with your website Internet marketing strategies and global and/or local online marketing strategies contact us today.