Top work at home ideas; and watch the game in style! Diamonds in the Rough!

Learn How You Can Sell Anything Online

by: James A. Warholic

Maybe you are a business owner, or build small wood working projects, beautiful handmade quilted blankets, or embroidered linens and artwork. Your friends are always telling you what special talents you have. Earn money now, by selling those items online. I am not referring to online auctions. Here is an area where the price is set by the seller not by an auction bidder.

Pay Per Click Advertising

The first time a person hears those terms it might seem a little intimidating. It really is not difficult to understand. As the name implies, an advertiser pays when someone clicks on an online advertisement. These ads are typically displayed on the side of search engines or in content related sites, such as the ads you see in this page. For example, when a person types in specific keywords into a search engine, those words would display sites related to those terms. The same is true of the advertisements that are shown.

The Way PayPerClick Works is This

When a person clicks on an ad, they are taken to what is referred to as a landing page. This landing page can be at a specific site location, which would have helpful information about what is being sold plus some pictures of the beautiful handmade work or other items.

"But, I don't have a site," you say.

Don't worry if you don't have a website, there is an easy way of getting around that for free. It is called a free website or a blog. A blog is a very easy to create site where anyone can have one for free. There are numerous ones, but the service I use for writing articles can be found at There is even another free program to allow you to upload your product photos. Click here for Picasa™ and Picasa Albums which work in conjunction with one another to easily upload to your blog or photo album. To get started on the blog is as simple as going there and signing up. Try creating a family blog to first see how easy it is. Follow the instructions. Help is also available online if there are any questions. Additionally you could set up a free website using a service like SynthaSite. SynthaSite provides many templates to quickly put a website together. You can even direct a custom domain name to publish live. Check out the cool looking website at for an example of what you can do for free. Check out the contact page and some of the widgets on the other pages that can be added to your website. Once you have a site then simply create a page with a photo and description of what it is you have for sell. Include an email address or link to the contact information. Then start your ad campaign.

AdWords™ Campaign Google AdWords™

Google AdWords are the advertisements that are displayed on their search engine results pages. It doesn't take much to get started. Cost per click can be as low as .05 cents each click. In fact, you set the maximum cost that you are willing to pay and there is no minimum daily budget. The neat thing about it is you can adjust it to your own advertising spending budget, set the daily spending limits, turn it off on a temporary basis, and can target global, nationwide, and "target your local ads by state, city, or even neighborhood wide web" or content related networks such as this site. There is even an option to display the ad in a variety of languages.

It is easy to compose an ad. There are simple guidelines set up to follow with how-to examples. If you want to get a little more creative, a graphic ad can be displayed as well, on content sites. My suggestion, before spending any money on books or information help guides, you click on this Google AdWords link to learn how easy it is to get started. All the information you need is right there. They have free analytics tools to track conversions, plus videos are provided to really make it simple.

Every business owner or individual should consider using this advertising outlet to reach new customers online. For small business owners that need help, we can create and manage an Ad campaign for you. See information about online advertising and Internet marketing comparisons to other forms of media. The numbers of people online is growing exponentially, so take advantage of it for your business.

For more information on the overall B2B and B2C Internet marketing picture take a look at the information on our site. Our marketing and advertising resources page has comparisons and helpful links. Our home page gives a very good overview of what is involved in the whole realm of Internet marketing for businesses. Contact us with your internet marketing needs, questions, comments, or help with your e-business site to get more Internet exposure, or online advertising campaigns.

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