SEO Sticky Black And White Uppercase Words

Questions asked:

Is it best to use the color black in creating the home page. . or is it alright to use gold or purple for the search engines?

Is it better to make a lot of uppercase words?

When making a site ‘sticky’ does that apply for the most part to the Home Page?

Let me answer your second question first about using all UPPERCASE words.

If you are going to use all uppercase words, do it in extreme moderation. All uppercase words looks like shouting to most people, and in my opinion the search algorithms tend to categorize all uppercase words as shouting too. What I am saying, is the engineers at Google, Yahoo!, and Microsoft Search are always tweaking the algorithms to get the best search results possible. They don’t want search results pages that look like they are shouting at people either. Now, that doesn’t mean that the search results pages are not going to pick up any (all uppercase) pages in the search results, it is just a guideline to think about when you are designing your website and performing SEO Best Practices.

Try to use good writing techniques in all your published writing on the Web. I am of a strong opinion, that the search algorithms are actually being engineered to analyze writing styles, proper writing syntax, and text semantics. If you write and publish on your website using good sentence structures, then the search algorithms will tend to give your website higher marks. It’s just like a writing rubric grading system at school, but this grading system is truly color blind to unjust prejudice.

Don’t fret if you are not a literary genius, or have a tendency to misspell words, or have other dyslexic writing tendencies. Use web browsers that have automatic spell checkers, like Firefox, or write using Microsoft Word or equivalent word processors, and have these programs do automatic spell checks and syntax checks for you. If you want additional writing help, there are automatic programs such as WhiteSmoke that will help analyze, proofread, spell check, and edit your text to make it much more palatable to your visitors and the search engines too. The WhiteSmoke writing program has various writing modules available for help with general, business, creative, Hi-Tech, Bio-Tech, and executive writing styles. In addition, it is wise to have others check your published works. Don’t take constructive criticism personally, and continue learning from mistakes. The best way to improve your writing skills is with practice; there is no other way.

What color should I make the home page for the search engines?

I’m convinced that color schemes in the website pages are not so much as an important factor for the search engines, as it is for your readers, and people that are likely to link to your website in the future. It you have body text, that is not hidden in the page, the search engines can read it regardless of what color your page is. An important point here is, don’t make your body text hidden by doing some form of Blackhat SEO tactics. The search engine algorithms are getting much more sophisticated, and will likely give your website a search ranking penalty if you use Blackhat SEO tactics. You however do need to make the page easy to read for your online readers. Typically white on black is harder to read than dark on light colors. Once again this is just a guideline. I have used both at various times. If I have a lot to say, and I expect my readers to be able to spend a lot of time on the website, then I would make the pages as easy to read as possible. If I have a little bit to say, and I want to use a little bit more creative license in my web designs, then experiment with other color schemes.

For example: My Backflag site that I use for Internet shorts, is light on dark backgrounds which in my opinion is harder to read. On the other hand, my According to Jim site is mostly dark on light backgrounds, for easier in-depth reading. See Marketing-101 for an overview.

Now, if you look closely, you will see that I actually use both, dark on light, and light on dark backgrounds, at The header area is a dark background and the body is a light background.

Does making a site “sticky” apply, for the most part, to the Home Page?

The term “sticky” generally refers to the ability of a website to capture the attention of a reader in order to draw that reader back to your website, and the ability to empower your reader to interact with the site by having them explore the website pages and read more content. How well you do this through out the website will determine how sticky your website is. Different types of websites have different degrees of stickiness. As far as how sticky your Home Page should be is concerned, it all depends on what you intend to do with the site in the first place. In my opinion, the Home Page should be an overview guide about your website. If someone comes to your website the first time through the Home Page, and you have very little information, they will have no idea what it really is about.

The example you gave, about the “Company of Winners” books is an example of an overview Home Page. This one is a graphic, which generally speaking, an all graphic home page is not the best from a search engine optimization perspective to be search engine friendly, but it does however show the point I am trying to make about the home page being an overview guide.

Hope that helps you.

Best regards,


Set your business apart with creative online marketing results. Learn how Internet marketing can help your business get discovered on the Web. Contact us for a free website evaluation today.

Google Increases Search Productivity – IT Cost Savings

Internet and intranet (private computer networks that uses Internet Protocol technology) search and productivity, along with savings in the IT costs can be realized with Google Apps, cloud based aps for businesses. The implementation of various Google business solutions for making things better, easier, faster, more efficient, more productive, improved cost savings for businesses looking for ways of searching for data within corporate intranets, and improving online collaborations between workers was the focus at the Google Innovation seminar.

Cloud Computing The Google Way
Global Computing and Marketing Worldwide
Wow, What A Google Day!

I got a chance to attend a really informative half day Google Innovation seminar held at the Santa Clara Marriott. The conference theme was how Google is innovating for businesses in the form of cloud computing applications and passing cost savings through some really wild changes for IT departments to save tons of time and money over traditional ways of finding, sharing, and the securing of all internal data, along with major improvements in the productivity of workers and huge cost savings to both big and small enterprise companies.

Read more about the cloud computing concepts at the Google Innovation for Business seminar, along with a first hand look at what the opposition (Microsoft) had to say.

Improve your online search engine exposure for your business website with professional Internet marketing services from Professional Web Services today.

Sales Oriented Internet Marketing for More Business Growth

Internet Marketing Services

Is your online marketing and business website sales oriented?

With much online talk about having information for the search engines to find, and information from a marketing and advertising standpoint, many times the overlooked area for Internet marketing are the call to action items or lack thereof.

Information is certainly one of the prerequisites for any website to have today. But, it is important to consider that while a web page can be an information provider, it should also have a call to sales oriented action item.

Call to action items as the name implies requires something for the reader to do. For example, having a web page and not giving a link to provide more information is leaving your reader hanging. If a visitor reads a page and finds it interesting, then provide a call to action that is creative, engaging, and highlights the topic at hand. Simply saying contact us is not the best way to do it. Having a hyper link to a contact page is good, but an even better solution is to engage the reader to interact with the page topic itself. If you are talking about your product or service then provide a colorful means of enticement to click a link. Consider using the words of the product or service in the call to action item.

If you are offering a free consultation then hyperlink the words free consultation.

With billions of web pages on the Internet, a business needs to get a little more creative in their marketing approach to Internet marketing. Engineers, buyers, and consumers are tired of the same approach. Give them something different, something that is of perceived value, and the contact conversions will occur much more frequently.

This also factors into another topic of online advertising. Online advertising in the form of Pay-per-click (PPC) and Pay-per-thousand views (PPM) are two of the more common types today. Each of these forms of advertising require some form of landing pages. Even banner ads, when clicked on take a web surfer to a landing page. If your landing pages are not sales oriented, it is likely that your business will not have very good sales conversions. Each click of the mouse is a step in a potential customer becoming a true customer. Don’t leave them hanging on a page with them saying to themselves, “that’s nice but now what?” Don’t make them scroll to the top of the page in order to contact the sales department. This is especially true for the B2B Business to business buyer, because chances are they are ready to get more information if they clicked on your ad in the first place.

So, before you spend a ton of money on an online advertising campaign, make sure your website is properly set up with call to action items, with hyperlinks in the copy of the pages, and engaging text that is sales oriented.

For your B2B and B2C business solution, contact Professional Web Services for your free Internet marketing evaluation.

B2B Marketing Strategies – Teamwork Corporate Marketing

Strategic marketing a business-to-business “B2B”  company involves teamwork from the president on down.

Getting everyone on the same page for B2B marketing strategies can sometimes be the toughest part of a president’s job. As Internet marketing specialists, Professional Web Services needs to get the feedback from our business customers, concerning their customers through the sales and marketing personnel of what is happening with online advertising campaigns, website landing pages, information requests, referral leads, and current and future products or services. In addition to this direct information from sales and marketing, there is a need from the engineering department to provide the nuts and bolts information of what is being designed, manufactured, or fabricated for their business customers. All of this information must be taken into account when maintaining a website.

As technology changes, or improvements are made in the manufacturing processes, it is important to share the information in a way that does not directly divulge intellectual property rights of either the business being served, nor of the company processes themselves. Simply staying quiet is no longer an option for businesses today. B2B Businesses jump ship as quickly as they can do a search online for the next manufacturer, fabricator, or the technology expert that can solve a problem with a (Wow I didn’t know I could do that!) new solution.

In addition to the competitive nature of just about every industry on the planet today, there is an international competitiveness, that the Internet has made our planet into a very small world indeed. China for one example has become a powerhouse. With their low overhead in labor rates, along with their relatively week adherence to pollution controls, companies in the developed sectors are having their products, OEM parts, and components built in China at a fraction of the cost of what any of the developed countries in the world can build them for.

Take for example, the PCB industry. As recently as ten years ago, the United States was king in the manufacturing of printed circuit boards. However, the Internet has made the United States a past performance item for PCB manufacturing. I have visited many printed circuit shops and can tell you that the United States can’t build a circuit board at the prices that are quoted from China. The raw materials, laminate prices, copper costs, and carbide drills alone are more than what many of the boards can be built here in the USA.

The Internet has also made it easy to transfer information at light speed from one end of the globe to the other. Computers process the data in a fraction of a second. Software programs are used in India to generate the circuit board data from Gerber files. Drill and rout programs can automatically be generated and then transferred to a Chinese manufacturing plant where labor rates are a fraction of anywhere else in the world.

Businesses have squeezed their suppliers so much, that many of them have simply gone out of business. Is there any doubt, in anyone’s mind that we are living in a very competitive landscape? For this reason alone, it is important to maximize a business’s exposure online.

The Online Landscape

But, that brings us back to the teamwork scenario. A B2B business has to work as a team from all facets, in order to maximize the marketing potential available through the online landscape. The online landscape is ripe for opportunities. To take advantage of the situation is like playing a baseball game. Everyone must work together in order for the team to be successful. Take for example of managing an online advertising campaign. Web metrics can only do so much. Sure a person can figure out the conversion from impressions to clicks, but can a person tell with Web metrics alone, how many of these clicks became actual customers? No way. Web metrics can give you an idea of what percentage of people that click on an online Ad go to a specific page, or sign up for a specific item, but Web metrics alone can not tell you for sure if they became a customer later on down the line. The only way to get exact details is to ask.

Why is the Concept of People Metrics so Foreign?

This goes to the first contact principal. When dealing with a customer for the first time, does anyone ask the simple question how they found your business? So, a person says they found your business on the Internet. Great, but did they click on an Ad, did they click on the website in the search results, did they come from an online directory, did they already know your name and search for your company using the search engines, or what was the keyword, keywords, or key phrases were typed into the search bar at Google, Yahoo, or Microsoft Live Search to find your company on the Internet?

The importance of feedback can not be overstated. Without feedback, a company has no way of knowing of how successful anything is. This requires the first or second contact person asking the simple question, and documenting that information for upper management, sales and marketing, and the person or group in charge of Internet marketing and online advertising campaigns.

With solid marketing information, the Internet marketing specialists can make adjustments to online advertising campaigns and improvements to the website design for better overall customer conversions.

Engineers Need To Tell Stories

Many of the businesses that are looking for solutions for manufacturing of their products, or technology solutions to a particular software or hardware issue, often converse with the resident engineers of many of the manufacturing, fabrication, or software technology companies in the world. How often are these stories being shared between what an engineer has talked about with a customer and the sales and marketing staff, or the Internet marketing team? If everyone is just doing their own job mode, your business is missing a wonderful sales and marketing opportunity.

Internet marketing experts do not magically know the inside scoop from each and every business in the world. Every market sector has its own unique set of keywords used. The only way online marketing personnel can learn about that information is for it to be shared with an individual or the Internet marketing team. Companies that supply technology services, or various OEM products to a wide variety of fields, will have a different communications language with the engineers from those market sectors. That is why, it is important to share that information with the team.

Internet Marketing Services

Teamwork is your B2B key to success.

Make Professional Web Services part of your marketing team and we will go above and beyond what your expectations are with Internet marketing services designed to produce results for your company. It’s all a matter of Results Oriented Internet Marketing Services.

Marketing Strategies for Business-to-Business – B2B Websites

Website information is required to get found in the search engines.

The number one thing required in a business to business website is to provide pertinent information for customers and future customers to find via the search engines online.

While e-commerce B2B websites must be focused on providing an easy means of order taking and checkout, and also secure shopping carts, there are large numbers of businesses that sell to other businesses in which true e-commerce is not a factor. These business websites that are structured for information, marketing, and advertising purposes, are really about how well the information is marketed online.

Are you a good story teller?

Marketing a B2B business today, especially online, requires good story telling to bring a marketing message alive on the Internet. When marketing online, creativity is a must. Sure, it is wise to keep a message simple, but keeping a message simple from a search engine standpoint simply will not do. There are some things that can be done from a best practices approach for both the graphics presented and the website text copy that can help in this area.

Here is one question that is important to consider. How many businesses compete in your market sector; five, ten, fifteen, or more? How many of these businesses have websites that look like the others. Does your business website look like the competition? If the website looks like all the others, what will set it apart? More than likely, it will get lost in the search results.

Having a website online forces you to write down the key points about your business, and this is good. If you are going to have a web presence, then you should try to make it all it can be. Don’t skimp on what is said. Don’t dismiss the importance of a website either. The old ways of doing business with just advertising in the Yellow Pages, simply will not produce the same results that it did fifteen or twenty years ago. You must have a web presence to compete in most markets today.

Everyone is searching online. Businesses are no different than the rest of us. Engineers and buyers are using the Internet and specifically the search engines as the new B2B Exchanges. Tell me, why would any company want to be left out in the cold. Maybe you are thinking, “my business is such a specialty market, and everyone knows me throughout the whole market place, there is no need to have a web presence.” These types of thoughts are not very logical today. Even if you are correct in your analysis (which I highly doubt), don’t you think existing customers would want to find your phone number or email contact information online?

OK, now your thoughts say, “I am convinced that a website presence is required. Where do we start?” you might ask. Well, I’ll bet that you probably have brochures or something in writing that talks about what it is that your company does. That certainly can be a good starting point for prompting you into writing some items down. Once these thoughts are written out, a good copywriter can come up with the essence of what to say in a website. Writing something down in an idea form has been some of the toughest hurdles to overcome for many businesses. Years ago, where “word of mouth” was everything for many businesses to promote themselves, will not necessarily work the same way as before. There is too much competition, from the local markets and the international markets in which price seems to have more of an impact today than ever before in all lines of business.

Having a website published is not the end. Don’t make this mistake into thinking that you never have to update your website. Your competition will surely not sit idle with their websites, and more importantly their marketing efforts online. Evaluating the impact of every marketing strategy, will be important for the next move to be made. Just like in a chess game, where competitors are looking five or more moves ahead, so to must a business evaluate the next moves ahead.

It is important to note that many of the marketing moves online will not have an immediate impact on a businesses bottom-line. There are however a couple of things that can make an immediate impact. Search engine marketing, also known as online advertising is a quick way to get a business started. This is because keywords can be bid on through the search engines themselves. If you bid high enough for your keywords then you can get your ad to show up in the search results pages on the right or top side of many of the search engines. These results are paid for through this bidding action. The natural search results generally take more time and Internet marketing efforts to establish a website in the general population of search results. This is due to search algorithms making an automated calculation of the website’s importance through a multitude of variables which each search engine keeps tight lipped about.

Search Engine Optimization, SEO is another one of those words that has many meanings, depending on who you talk to. The basic idea is to fine tune a website, optimizing the pages, to have the website rank better in the natural search results. Many individuals will say this is a one time process. I don’t believe this to be correct. Search engine optimization must be ongoing. Much like an article written, there is usually more than one draft as time goes on. Even the simple things in a website much be updated annually. For example, copyright dates should be updated to reflect at least the attention to a website details. This can quite possibly make a bad first impression. A potential customer that comes to a website, with old copyright dates, tends to think that maybe the business does not pay particular attention to details. Even though they might not say it, the question is now in the back of their minds.

There are many other factors that also must be addressed for a business website on a regular basis. But, you need to take the initiative, and start today with a website presence if you do not have one, or develop and improve what you already have online.

Contact Professional Web Services today to find out how our Internet marketing services can make a difference in your business’s bottom-line.

Finding Your Company Online

Professional Web Services

  • Is your business adapting to the changes on the Internet?
  • Is your company doing marketing and advertising online?
  • Are you using the Internet to get your branded message out?

If the answers to any of these questions are no, then it is time to get your business up to speed online. Because I guarantee you the competition is surely using the Internet to get their marketing and advertising messages heard and seen on the Web.

Blogs are one of the key areas online these days where a company can really take advantage of the fact that millions of consumers and businesses go online everyday to do everything from reading the news online, researching and seeking out new suppliers, to buying products and or services in an ecommerce mode online.

Building a blog for your business is fundamental to having a web presence. Just having the company website is not good enough anymore. In the past, a company could simply build a website and have it found online with very little marketing effort on their part. Sure, existing customers and consumers may be able to find you online now, but that is only because they know your name or Web URL address. Now, because the Internet is expanding exponentially, not only in the market penetrations such as China, but also with the high numbers of new websites coming online daily; has created a huge influx of information that must get sorted out by the search engines.

Add to the numbers of pages is also the fact that words are the key to online communications. Imagine how many times the 10 most common words are used.

  1. the
  2. of
  3. and
  4. a
  5. to
  6. in
  7. is
  8. you
  9. that
  10. it

And, that doesn’t even begin to tell the story of having a common company name for an incorporated business. Common usages of the common keywords for common name companies are an interesting conundrum. For example, at: WORDCOUNT / Tracking the Way We Use Language, is a very informative online application for telling the usage frequency or commonness of any of 86,800 most frequently used English words in a type of “visual barometer of relevance.” If your corporate name has two or three words, simply type each name separately and the scale will show where those names rank in usage. Keep in mind that having a common name is not bad, it just means that more work is needed to establish the brand name on the Web, if the company name itself is not already a household brand. That is because the words used by searchers online are how a company is found on the Web in the first place.

Search algorithms don’t know professional web services from the company, Professional Web Services. “Professional” is/was currently ranked number 906 on the Wordcount word usage scale. “Web” is/was currently ranked number 10182 and “Services” is/was ranked number 354 on the Wordcount visual barometer scale. Now, taking additional information from Google Search we can see that a search for Professional Web Services produces a set of results that was estimated to have over 370,000,000 (370 million) pages with those three common word terms, not necessarily in that order.

How does the search algorithm know whether the searcher is looking for a book at Amazon or a professional article on “web services” software tools, or the company? It doesn’t know the mind of the searcher. Algorithms are getting better in a sense that new co-op algorithms are adapting to the searchers, effectively learning as they go. See Google Co-op for a truly user customizable search engine. While these Co-ops has the advantage for specific users, the general search algorithms are still working on adapting to the minds of the the researchers, consumers, purchasing managers, or the general online searchers.

How Does A Blog Help Your Company Online?

  • Information Sharing
  • Marketing And Advertising
  • Sales And Marketing Tool
  • Branding And Brand Development
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Corporate Communications
  • Press Releases And News Updates
  • Marketing Communications
  • Market Research, Analysis, And Advice
  • Strategic Public Relations
  • Web Casting And Podcasting Integration
  • Adapt Web 2.0 Strategies

This is not the complete list of how a blog helps your business on the web. Other reasons to promote a corporate blog on the web is the added benefit of having another media outlet that is both compartmentalized on the Net; as well as being inclusive of the Internet. Blogs have their own unique online digital search signatures. What that means is, blogs have various items that are usually associated with blogging softwares and have a unique digital footprint which is established when a blog is published. This digital footprint, in the way of a ping and RSS feeds, are broadcast over many online sources that can pick up the fact that an article was published online, where and when it was published, the main theme of the topic, title of the article, and who the publisher is. This digital signature compartmentalizes this source as a blog and can feed the information into Blog Searches online. See Google Blog Search. Additionally, as a blog is established on the Web, it can eventually be included into the general search results and thus be inclusive into the general Internet population.

Blogs provide another crucial element from an Internet marketing standpoint. The links back to your company website are crucial to the standing of your company website on the Internet landscape. Having quality links is the very foundation to ranking well in the search engine results. The Internet is about interconnectivity. One website leads to another. The issue is a type of digital trust signature. By having a link from a quality source, back to another website, then there is a means of trust established between the various sources. Not all sources are found trustworthy, but if they are found trustworthy digitally, then that will promote a website and help it rank well in the search results.

Do you want your b2b or b2c website to rank better in the search results? Well, you can change from being a small b2b or b2c company to becoming a major B2B or B2C company online. Take a look at Professional Web Services today. Trust Professional Web Services, Inc. to help accelerate your business on the Web.

Professional Web Services provides: Internet Marketing Services, Online Advertising Strategies, Professional Blogging Services Search Engine Optimization, Ethical SEO, and Web Branding Solutions. Contact us today for the Marketing Solution.

B2B vs B2C Marketing

Professional Web Services

Professional Web Services For Business

Folks, it doesn’t really matter whether your business is Business 2 business or Business 2 consumer centered, the important ingredient between the two is marketing.

Sure, there are some key differences between B2B vs B2C but for a company to be successful in the long run today, all companies need to have a good Internet marketing plan established to get their message out on the Internet. Because as stated in the link, “More Sales For You” should be a prime motivator behind establishing a greater online presence. With a greater online presence, your business message will have greater penetration into the various online market places.

Everyone is searching online. Is that statement debatable anymore? I would think not, considering all the research by Internet media sources that show significant increases in the number of searches online annually. Google, Yahoo, and MSN are still the key players in the world of search, but new search engines are coming on the horizon, that are building up niche markets for themselves. While these new search engines are developing new technologies for searching, it is highly likely that one of the big search engines will buy out some of the new startups that offer new looks into the Web. This directly affects the B2B and B2C market places for all types of commerce. Forget the traditional definitions for B2B or B2C being that of businesses operating in an eCommerce mode, because that traditional definition is no longer restricted to eCommerce alone.

B2B and B2C represent just about all companies on this planet. Granted, there are some in the C2C classification for Consumer to consumer, but that is limited to a very small minority of businesses operating on the Internet today.

Many businesses that are local for their areas think that an Internet presence is not necessary, because they are thinking that they only serve the local markets. This reasoning is no longer valid. Local markets are driven more and more by the power of local search. Yellow pages are being thrown out or never opened and both buyers and consumers are frequenting the Web in order to find a local phone number or get directions off the Internet.

Every business needs to develop their Internet presence because the competition is surely Creating A Web On The Internet for themselves in more ways than one.

Get your B2B or B2C business on the fast track to success. Professional Web Services provider of Internet marketing services, online advertising strategies, ethical search engine optimization and Web branding solutions. Contact us for a free Internet marketing evaluation today.

Marketing Creativity Online

Professional Web ServicesSay It isn’t so. Sorry folks. Your B2B or B2C business website is not the only website on the Internet.

How in the world do you get your marketing message out on the Internet? How can you get it into the hands of potential customers?

Well, Professional Web Services has the online answers for your business.

EyeImagine the sheer numbers of new websites that go online every day. It is quite amazing to think that 10 or 20 pages of a website are going to be found in the proverbial “Needle in the Internet Haystack.” With billions of pages online, you need more than just a graphic designer, designing your logos or fancy website to get found online. There is much more than meets the eye for Internet marketing and advertising your business Online.

You must adapt your marketing techniques with the adoption of Internet marketing techniques for your business to take advantage of the new Web 2.0.

Here are some get acquainted articles that will give just a little sampling of what life is like on the Internet. Take the time to read a few. Then send us an email for your free Internet marketing evaluation today.

Internet Marketing Industry

Building Pay-Per-Click PPC Ads
The Google Adsense program is a great way to earn some extra dollars for your website. Sometimes for various reasons the normal pay-per-click, PPC ads are not available from the server and what will ..

The DMOZ ODP Report
STRATEGIC MARKETING | An extensive research project on the category of strategic marketing in the ODP, Open Directory Project, also known as DMOZ was just completed. The results were quite surprising. ..

Staying On Top Of The Internet
Understanding The Online Web | The Internet is becoming much more interesting in our Life and Times as time goes on. Staying up to date with the latest technologies available is most important for the ..

Advertising On The Internet With Style
New Style Interactive Online Advertising | In the advertising world much of a message is lost in the delivery. Other times an advertisement is so unique that it can really give a “that is cool” aspect ..

Editor Application ODP – Open Directory Project – DMoz
Instead of just talking about improving the ODP – Open Directory Project – DMoz I decided to see if I could help out. Open Directory Project Editor Applying for an editor position with the ODP is qui..

Claim Your Blog At Technorati
Technorati Profile By: James A. Warholic | Technorati is an area online where you can search for various blogs, find out what is popular at the moment, check out the top blogs, and top favorite blogs a..

Web 2.0 Advertising
The Internet is About Interactivity | Interactivity can take many online forms in marketing a business through a website, click through emails, call to action items, enticements, free offers, games, ch..

DMoz ODP Internet Marketing Abuses
As difficult as it is to get some Internet marketing sites listed Online in the DMoz, ODP, Open Directory Project there are many sites listed in multiple categories. In fact one website has over 230,..

How Can RSS Help Your Business?
What Are RSS Web Feeds? RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication. Many websites, blogs, and news feeds produce RSS feeds or webfeeds in an XML format. These are known as: “RSS feed”, “webfeed”..

Impressive Google Online Advertising
Well, I must say that I am impressed with some of the new interactive ads that Google has been serving to their AdSense providers. For those that are not familiar with the AdSense program, Google has..

Professional Web Services, Internet Marketing Services, Online Advertising Strategies, Search Engine Optimization, Ethical SEO, and Web Branding Solutions. Contact us today for the Solution.

Professional Web Service provides online marketing for businesses looking to get more search engine exposure, and more sales for the bottom line.

Why Call It Marketing Adaptation

Globalization Internet Marketing Adaptation

Internet Marketing Services

The online world is all about change, new technologies, and being able to recognize the changes in the global marketing landscape. Once those patterns are even a hint on the Internet horizon it is very important for businesses, both in the B2B, Business-to-business and B2C, Business-to-business sectors to recognize it early enough to take advantage of these opportunities from a Sales, Marketing, and Advertising perspective.

Marketing Adaptation in Multinational Companies

Marketing adaptation has been talked about for years for businesses adapting to the local cultural market place along with responding to the social climate and economic conditions in the various global locations. Certainly product and service pricing adaptation has also been a concern for the Global Corporations.

Global Businesses

As the Internet has created a “Flattening of the World”; this has had a direct affect on businesses universally at all levels of the supply chain. As with economics affecting every facet of our society, so to has the economics of the Internet affected the very core of B2B, B2C, and even C2C, Consumer-to-consumer businesses today.

Local Business Search

What was once viewed as being in a local service sector for certain businesses such as plumbers, electricians, doctors, and lawyers; the Internet has broadened all these service sectors. The reason is the numbers of people using on line Search Engines have increased dramatically in recent years. It is also important to note that from a standpoint of the local service providers to be found on-line, can directly bring in substantial new revenues. Though any company that may think of themselves as being only a local provider of a service, the majority of these small businesses do not readily recognize the need or even the advantage to have an online presence.

Local businesses sometimes have a very narrow and limited view of the Internet. Actually, these same small business owners spend extensive time on the Internet themselves, searching for consumer products, comparing prices at the various stores, staying abreast of the news, shopping for homes, and even shopping for new and used cars, but discount having their own business on the Internet. There is a very large disconnect with these same small business owners as to the advantages afforded them through the Internet.

Fortune 500 Companies and Search Engines

At the other end of the spectrum are the large corporations that would do well to improve their online search engine position. These companies have invested heavily in the online advertising arena with large numbers of the Fortune 500 companies giving very little thought into the Organic, or Natural Search Engine results for keywords targeting their respective industries.

What are the Advantages of Being Found Online?

First off the numbers of people doing local search on their computers is continually increasing. The Local Yellow Pages have shown a steady declining response rate in recent years. Ads that just a few years ago generated very good returns on investment are now in the doldrums. In fact the response rate is so low, that it is hard to justify spending the increased fees for advertising in the Local Yellow Pages. Real Lawyers Have BlogsLaw Firm Yellow Page Advertising Not Working And On Decline These same Yellow Pages are now having to adapt to the Internet with marketing adaptation taking place by offering not only the print copy of the Yellow Page Advertisement, but also providing an Online Directory in which they include the local business to be found Online.

In essence these same B2B, B2C, and C2C businesses that once thought of themselves as only a local provider of services and thought they would only have to advertise in the local community have had a rude awakening. The Internet has broadened these local business horizons. Being found online now can have additional advantages of another business or consumer being able to find out the information at their computer keyboard fingertips.

The International and National Giants, along with the mid-sized companies can also profit by implementing a website improvement campaign. For these companies to invest heavily into various forms of advertisements and ignore the Internet marketing aspect of what can be accomplished with a good Search Engine friendly foundation website structure are simply ignoring the Internet marketing adaptation that is passing them by.

For more information about being found online contact Professional Web Services, a provider of Internet Marketing Services, Online Advertising Strategies, and Web Branding Solutions for your business today.

Take a look at the marketing adaptation that is going on online, either with you, or without you; but in either case it will continue to occur. The question that must be asked, “Are you going to take advantage of it?”

Subscribe to our Free E-News Newsletter and for some creative and fun web site ideas in advertising visit TGI Fridays website.

Setting Your Business Apart Online

Presenting Your Business On The Web

Standing out from the crowd on the Internet is one of the most important things you can do for your business. With sometimes millions, or billions of websites all competing for your keywords, there has to be something different about you that will really resonate with your customers and future customers.

It is this future customers base that your business really needs to focus on. If you provide top quality service, existing customers will return for more because your brand is good in their minds. However, with customers that do not know your name, you must be able to sell your company products or services in such a way as to not turn off potential customers. This is where your website may be the first Web contact point a potential new customer makes with your company. It is important that the website be all that it can be. How the website is presented to a new visitor can make a grand first impression, or it can also be a one second hyperlink click gone away.

Presentation comes in many different forms. Pictures can be used to add a little bit of symbolism if done with the correct approach. Writing style is important too. Cold dry writing simply will not do. Even if you are writing to the technical engineering crowd, they too get tired of the drab writing approach. Creative writing that is based on sound marketing and advertising principals must be used to engage your audience. Remember, your audience is anyone that reads your website.

So get creative today with a website design approach by Professional Web Services. Contact Professional Web Services for a fresh web site design face for your business. Need a brand new website? We can help your business there too with a customized template, branded exclusively for you.